Bright Educational Excursion Programme

This programme is meant to expose the youth/students to practical life experiences, relevant knowledge, and to equip them with what is needed to be prepared for success in life. The (national or international) destinations we propose, and the organisation of the excursions, depend on the following three CATEGORIES (OF CHOICE) as your school opts for:
- Natural Sciences
- French Language
- Civics/Leadership
- WORKSHOPS on the importance of learning and how to use education as power
- OUTINGS to historical/landmark sites, depending on category of choice and destination
- ORIENTATION on courses choice/careers/employment advice; how to get empowered through education
- EXPOSURE to cultures, current affairs, biographies, etc. with lessons and inspirations derived from them
- TIPS on how to seize opportunities as a young person today (in a given discipline or area)
- PHYSICAL EXERCISE, a sport suitable for the occasion
- DEBATE on topic that will depend on the category of excursion opted for